Registration is closed for this event

London and South East Tour of the Regions

Our annual Tour of the Regions is back in person and face to face.

In this year’s tour, sponsored by Premium Credit Limited, Steve White, Graeme Trudgill, David Sparkes and your Area Manager will be coming to a regional centre near you!

As is usual, the BIBA team will provide a full and frank update on the work we are doing on YOUR behalf including on market issues and regulation, and that’s not all!  We want to hear about the challenges YOU are facing. Now, more than ever, it’s vital to have YOUR voice heard so we are allowing plenty of time for you to have your say to help shape our priorities for 2023.



BIBA Regional Tour Presentation - Steve White, Chief Executive, Graeme Trudgill, Executive Director


Lunch & Networking

Don’t miss the chance to help shape the future - sign up now.

*Event filming and photography may take place throughout the event which BIBA may use for future publicity and marketing.
October 11th, 2022 12:00 PM through  2:00 PM
8th Floor
John Stow House
18 Bevis Marks
Phone: 0344 7700 266
Fax: 0207 626 9676