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BIBA webinar - How to conduct fair value assessments presented by Oxera Consulting

The FCA has recently made clear the importance of brokers conducting robust fair value assessments (in the context of multi-occupancy buildings insurance). This webinar aims to help you understand how the framework developed for BIBA by Oxera can help you to better demonstrate fair value in regard to your remuneration.

Learning objectives:

By the end of this event, attendees will be able to:

  • Provide an explanation of why this work is important.
  • Summarise the context of the framework and what fair value means.
  • Explain the intuition behind the framework.
  • Outline how you can begin to embed the framework within your organisation.


Reinder van Dijk, Oxera Partner and Head of Financial Services

Reinder has over 20 years of professional experience in applying economics in the context of financial services regulatory and supervisory investigations, competition and market investigations, mergers and acquisitions, and litigation cases. He leads Oxera’s work in financial services and has advised major retail and investment banks, lenders, insurers and re-insurers, securities exchanges, payment system companies, fund managers, brokers and distributors. Reinder has delivered training to the various regulatory authorities, including the FCA, government departments, financial services companies and law firms – including on conduct risk and fair value assessment.

Tom Davies, Oxera Consultant

Tom is part of Oxera’s Regulation and Market Design team, with a particular focus on the economics of the financial services sector. He specialises in applying economics to regulation and conduct risk in financial services and has advised payments services companies, banks, building societies, brokers and insurance companies across a range of issues. Tom has delivered training to multiple firms on value for money assessments and on implementing the FCA’s new Consumer Duty.

Jessie Davidson, Oxera Analyst

Jessie is a member of Oxera’s Financial Services team. She uses economics and analytical tools to provide solutions to a range of issues, and has worked on projects spanning impact assessments, commercial disputes and commercial strategy. She has undertaken analysis estimating the impact of policies, assessing fair value and assisting firms with regulatory compliance, delivering training on the implementation of the FCA’s Consumer Duty.

Delegates participating in the accredited webinar can claim up to 1 CPD hour towards the CII member CPD scheme. A formal completion certificate will be issued for members attending and returning a feedback form. 


Our webinars are designed to give information and guidance and we aim to make them as accurate as we can at the time of presentation and recording. However, they may sometimes represent individual views and BIBA cannot guarantee, nor do they accept any responsibility or liability for, the accuracy or completeness of the content or for any loss which may arise from reliance on information contained within these presentations and recordings.


October 26th, 2023 1:00 PM through  2:15 PM
Delegate's internal equipment
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